8 Benefits of Composting

8 Benefits of Composting

21 Apr 2023

Composting isn't a new practice. In fact, it has been around for ages, even though the word itself has become increasingly popular in recent years. However, not everybody is actually familiar with the process, which is why it's important to learn what composting is and get to know some of its main benefits.

Composting is one of the most cost-effective ways to improve soil quality and reduce waste. In plain words, composting is the procedure or process of breaking down organic matter with the goal of creating nutrient-rich soil. Composting will benefit not only your garden but also the environment around you alongside the community itself.

As we mentioned earlier, composting has been around for ages, meaning it's a natural process of managing organic waste.


What is composting?

Now, before we dive into the benefits, let's learn what compost means through a definition.

Composting, as we already learned, is breaking down organic matter to create nutrient-rich soil. These organic materials include food scraps, yard waste, whole fruit, vegetables, and other bio-degradable items. The resulting material is called compost, which can be used as a natural fertiliser for gardens, lawns, and plants.

Composting Infographic

The process begins when organic matter is mixed together and placed in a pile or a compost bag. Over a certain time period, the material will break down and decompose, releasing carbon dioxide and heat. The described process is known as aerobic decomposition, and it requires oxygen. Microorganisms, including bacteria and fungi, break down the (organic) matter and transform it into compost.

What are benefits of composting?

Composting reduces waste

One of the most significant, or even the most significant, benefit of composting is reducing waste. By choosing to compost, you'll divert organic matter from landfills, where they usually take up space and release methane gas while decomposing. According to EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), only food waste makes up more than 20% of landfill volume in the US. Composting significantly reduces this infamous waste. In addition, by utilising some great apps to reduce food waste, you can effortlessly achieve your goal of minimising food waste.

Landfill Site

Composting organic waste will create nutrient-rich soil that can be used to grow vegetables and all sorts of plants, thus reducing the need for infamous synthetic fertilisers and encouraging sustainability.

So, before we continue talking about the benefits of composting, make sure to remember waste reduction as the most important one, especially today when excessive amounts of waste are threatening our environment more than ever.

Compost improves the soil quality

Related to the previous benefit, composting is one of the best ways to improve soil quality. Compost is very nutrient-rich, and adding organic matter to the soil and increases soil structure and fertility.

Composting Improves Soil Quality

Additionally, composting improves aeration, soil erosion, water retention, and drainage leading to improved crop yields and healthier plants. In addition, compost helps in balancing soil PH levels which makes it easier for plants to absorb all needed nutrients.

It is cost-effective

Now, we realise that saving money isn't the first thing that pops into most people's minds when talking about composting. However, we'll gladly explain how composting will help you save money in numerous ways. As we already learned, composting reduces the amount of waste going into landfills, thus lowering your waste disposal fees. Furthermore, it eliminates the need for various synthetic fertilisers and other harmful soil additives, which besides being toxic in some cases, are also pretty expensive.

Instead, you can opt for composting that will naturally fertilise your garden and, therefore, your plants. In addition, composting reduces water usage and boosts retaining moisture. Since you'll be able to cut down on watering your plants very frequently, composting grants lower water bills.


Greenhouse gas emissions and composting

Composting is a great way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Since organic matter is sent to landfills and then decomposes while releasing the infamous methane, which is a very potent greenhouse gas, it contributes to climate change. How can compost help?

Composting diverts potential organic waste from the aforementioned landfills and therefore reduces methane. In addition, composting reduces fertiliser use, thus creating nutrient-rich soil amendment. Why is it important to avoid synthetic fertilisers?

In most cases, synthetic fertilisers are made of fossil fuel that requires a huge amount of energy to produce. By choosing to compost instead of using synthetic fertilisers, we can help the environment and reduce society's reliance on fossil fuels, therefore, reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Carbon sequestration

What is carbon sequestration?

It's a process of capturing and storing CO2 (carbon dioxide) from the atmosphere or even other sources, such as industrial processes and power plants, in order to mitigate climate change.

What does carbon sequestration have to do with composting?

Composting is one method of carbon sequestration as it helps trap carbon in the soil and prevents it from going into the atmosphere. Furthermore, composting is a key component of regenerative culture and promotes soil health and biodiversity alongside carbon sequestration. Overall, the best way to put it is that composting is a tool for carbon sequestration and supports a sustainable culture.

Seed germination

Composting can benefit seed germination in numerous ways. First and foremost, the actual compost contains a wide range of beneficial organisms, including fungi, protozoa, and bacteria. These microorganisms help break down organic matter and help suppress potential harmful organisms that potentially threaten healthy seed germination. Additionally, compost improves soil structure, making it easier for plants to develop roots, grow, and access water and nutrients, which can be extremely beneficial for small, more delicate seeds that, in some cases, struggle to establish themselves.

Planting a Seed

Also, compost provides a slow-release source of various nutrients important for growing all sorts of plants that require strong and healthy seedlings. These nutrients include phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and zinc.

Lastly, composting helps in retaining moisture in the soil structure, which is one of the most important factors of seed germination.

In conclusion, the benefits of composting regarding seed germination include a moisture-retentive, nutrient-rich, and microbe-rich developing medium that fully supports healthy seed germination.

Circular economy

We completely understand if you don't see the connection here since the circular economy represents a regenerative economic model that aims towards minimising waste and keeping resources in use as long as possible. However, composting can make a big difference and boost the circular economy. In fact, composting represents a vital aspect of the issue as it creates a closed-loop system regarding the organic matter.

Furthermore, composting keeps various materials and products in use which is extremely beneficial, especially when talking about reducing the need for brand-new synthetic fertilisers and other potential soil amendments made from scratch.

In addition, composting actually helps various economic opportunities by sponsoring sustainable agriculture and promoting local food systems.

All in all, composting is an important component of the aforementioned circular economy, and it aligns with designing out pollution and waste while keeping products in use and supporting a regenerative economic model. Besides helping the planet, a circular economy benefits our society and creates a better environment for future generations.

Circular Economy Concept

Job opportunities and economic growth

Since we're already talking about bettering our economy through composting, it's worth mentioning that another benefit is definitely creating jobs and stimulating local economies.

Processing organic waste and collecting and transporting it, creates employment opportunities in the entire waste management industry.

These jobs include composting technicians, sales and marketing of compost products, and waste collection and hauling. Furthermore, the use of compost in agriculture frequently increases crop yields leading to increased productivity for farmers and more affordable food. In addition, environmental engineers design and oversee the entire construction of composting facilities while ensuring safety and following environmental regulations.

agood company biodegradable phone cases

Composting has become an increasingly popular way to help the environment, and what's a better way to contribute to the cause than switching to compostable products?

Plant-based phone cases

Stylish protection for your device that's eco-friendly - plant-based mobile cases. These cases are made from a blend of renewable sources including hemp, PLA, cellulose, and flax, combined with biodegradable PBAT, materials that are biodegradable and sustainable. They are designed to protect your phone from scratches and bumps, all while reducing your environmental impact. And when it's time to upgrade your phone case, you can simply compost the old one or, even better, we encourage you to use agood loop™.

So, whether you're looking to reduce your waste or simply want to make a positive impact on the environment, go ahead and upgrade your everyday items to ones that are eco-friendly and compostable.

Tutti Frutti Compostable Phone Case


As we already mentioned, composting is a process of breaking down various organic materials into soil that can be used as a natural fertiliser, thus reducing the need for synthetic chemicals and encouraging sustainability. Composting has been around for ages, and it's one of the best ways to help the planet and reduce waste while being extremely beneficial for the entire environment. It promotes soil health, helps with seed germination, reduces greenhouse emissions, and is a vital tool for carbon sequestration.

Also, composting is very cost-effective since it minimises the need for waste disposal and water usage. Composting supports a circular economy and is one of the best ways to support local farmers while being able to purchase products at a lower price. Instead of complicated and expensive processes and using very expensive and harmful synthetic fertilisers, we recommend composting as one of the best ways to promote soil health, which is the most important basis for food production.

Of course, if you need help with understanding the process, and want to learn how to compost yourself, make sure to check out various blogs and videos on the subject. In addition, stay tuned for more interesting topics that will help all of us to promote a sustainable environment and help our planet breathe better.

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