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10 Cool Facts About Trees

13 Nov 2020

We’re huge fans of trees, and rightfully so! They're not just lovely to look at - they’re crucial for supporting life on Earth and need to be protected for generations to come. When you make a purchase through us, you're not just buying a product - you're contributing to the preservation of our planet. As part of our commitment, we plant a tree through our partner in Zambia, adding another piece to the intricate puzzle of global reforestation.

This month is Green November, our annual holiday where we plant even more of our leafy friends, forming a collective symphony of growth and rejuvenation. So, in honour of this green celebration, here are some cool tree facts to add to your knowledge bank.

1. Trees are some of the oldest living organisms on Earth

Silent witnesses to the passage of time, stand as remarkable symbols of endurance and resilience. The oldest tree in the world, Old Tjikko, has a root system that’s estimated to be over 9,500 years old. This ancient tree, nestled within the rugged landscapes of Sweden, holds within its roots the stories of generations long past. As we marvel at the grandeur of Old Tjikko, we are reminded of the profound connections between Earth's history and the living organisms that have gracefully weathered millennia.

Tree Root

2. Trees and soil absorb around 30% of atmospheric carbon emissions every year

Every year, approximately 30% of the carbon emissions in the air are soaked up by trees and absorbed into the soil. Trees and soil are playing a crucial role in our ongoing fight against climate change, providing a crucial defence against the growing threat of global warming. Together, trees and soil create a delicate balance that showcases nature's incredible ability to help lessen the impact of human activities on our planet's health.

3. Rafiki’s tree in The Lion King is a species called a Baobab

Baobab trees are quite unique and recognizable because they have really thick trunks and often appear as if they're growing upside down with their roots reaching towards the sky. These trees can store a lot of water, which helps them survive in dry areas. In the movie, Rafiki's tree serves as a gathering place for the characters, and its distinct appearance adds to the magical feel of the story.

Baobab Tree

4. Trees cover roughly 30% of the Earth’s land surface

Trees help clean the air we breathe by taking in carbon dioxide, the gas we exhale, and giving us the oxygen, we need to live. Just like how plants help make our surroundings healthier, trees do the same for our entire planet, making them super important for a clean and healthy Earth. So, even though trees might seem like they're just standing there, they're actually working 24/7 to make our Earth squeaky clean. We can be tree helpers too by looking after them and planting more whenever we get the chance.

5. Earth is a home to 3 trillion trees

There are estimated to be 3 trillion trees on Earth or around 400 for every human. These trees are like a big reminder of how we and nature depend on each other. Every single tree shows us how all life is connected, and they call upon us to value and look after the special homes where different living things survive. Let's remember, each tree is living proof of how we're all linked and inspire us to take care of the fragile balance that keeps us alive.

6. Antarctica is the only continent where trees don’t grow

Antarctica is the only continent where trees don’t grow due to its extreme climatic conditions. The continent experiences some of the harshest cold temperatures on Earth, with average lows plummeting far below freezing. It's incredibly cold there, much colder than other places. The ground is also not good for trees to grow in, and it's dark for a long time during the winter. Even though some small plants can survive there, big trees can't because it's just too tough of a place for them to live.

No Trees Antarctica

7. The biggest forest on Earth is the Taiga forest

The biggest forest on Earth is the Taiga forest, also referred to as the Boreal. It stretches from Europe all the way across to Asia, North America and Canada. This forest plays a crucial role in global climate regulation, carbon sequestration, and supporting diverse wildlife adapted to its challenging and cold environment. Its unique ecological features have inspired researchers and conservationists to study and protect this vital biome, recognizing its significance in maintaining the Earth's ecological balance.

8. Bamboo is actually a type of grass, not a tree

This special grass reaches heights that put many trees to shame, creating its own little jungles. It gives us yummy shoots to munch on, strong stems to build houses with, and a dash of inspiration for those "aha" moments. Think about it - a grass that transforms into a forest and hands out gifts. Nature sure knows how to blur the line between everyday and extraordinary. So next time you see bamboo, remember, it's not just a plant – it's a fantastic reminder that the ordinary can surprise us in amazing ways! Here are some interesting facts about bamboo.

Bamboo Forest

9. Strategic tree planting around buildings leads to energy bill savings

Strategically planting trees around a building provides shade in the summer and serves as a windbreak in the winter, saving on energy bills. In the hot summer, they whip out their shade capes and shield your space from the scorching sun, keeping things cool and your AC bill in check. And when winter arrives with its chilly winds, these trees wrap themselves around your building like snug blankets, stopping those icy gusts from sneaking in and making your heater work overtime. So, not only do these trees make your place look pretty, but they also help you save on energy bills all year round.

10. Trees release chemicals called phytoncides that protect them.

Did you know that trees have a super cool way of looking out for themselves? They release special chemicals called "phytoncides" into the air around them. These chemicals act like bodyguards, helping to protect the trees from all sorts of trouble. It's kind of like how we use bug spray to keep mosquitoes away. These phytoncides can ward off harmful insects, bacteria, and even some plant diseases. So, while trees might not have muscles or a voice like us, they have their own secret weapon to stay strong and healthy!

Tree Nature

Final thoughts

Trees may seem like quiet characters, but their impact is immense. The facts we've explored highlight why trees are so important to us. They uphold the delicate balance of ecosystems, providing shelter, oxygen, and life-sustaining support. When we disrupt this harmony by removing trees, we set off a chain reaction that reverberates through the environment, so it's important that we value trees and keep them in the ground where they belong! By planting new trees and nurturing existing forests, we sow the seeds of more harmonious coexistence. Just as a single fallen tree can leave a void, a single act of planting can create a haven.

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